Our metamorphosis has been incredible and progressive in this decade.

It has seen women record great strides in both academic and professional excellence.

But this has not been reflected in political relevance. The lack of inclusion and representation has seen women who represent half the population taking a back seat when issues that concern them are being discussed. It is appalling.

Almost 25 years ago, Nigeria signed an agreement at the Beijing conference to include more women using affirmative attention to ensure a level playing ground.

This is because women face a lot of discrimination as they foray into politics. This discrimination ranges from Sexual harassmentEconomic inequality.Violence.SexismGender stereotypes.

And structural barriers in political parties.All these are hindering factors to women’s substantive influence in decision-making processes and calls for more honest conversation.UN Women advocates for legislative and constitutional reforms to ensure women’s fair access to political platform —as voters, candidates, and elected officials.

Gender equality is pivotal for sustainable development. Women should be free to run for office without fear of sexual harrassment and electoral violence To all the girls and women in my constituency Ezinihiite, don’t give up..

Anything is possible. I am rooting for you all. Dream big. Never stop aspiring. Stay consistent. The world is your oyster and you are allowed to dominate. Happy International women’s day.#LetsBreakTheBias#TimeIsNowVivian Uloma DimgbaFor State House Of AssemblyEzinihitte Constituency.

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