My Core Values

These are the things i will achieve.

My aims and objectives

Ensuring the ease of doing business by driving flexible economic policies and sustainable agricultural development plans in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals for the betterment of my immediate constituency and state at large. To restore the dignity of women and youth through job creation and access to credit facilities to boost their productivity and expand the workforce of both the constituency and the state.
Being the most significant vehicle for societal progress and change, I am dedicated to bridging the gulf between the rich and the poor through the development of an accessible and standard education system comparable to the world’s best models. This is to be achieved by upgrading the laws governing public education to include infrastructural vetting processes and regular curriculum reviews and implementations. To develop the huge human resource capital domiciled in my constituency and the state by driving laws, creating centres for tech education planted in at least every constituency in the state, offering boot camp programs, collaborating with international technical education agencies and onboarding thousands of our people age-long acquisition of modern digital skills. To strengthen democracy using self as an example through the establishment of regular town hall and virtual feedback surveys and meets with my constituents.
Eliminating all harmful practices, such as child marriage, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, discrimination against people with disability, gender -based violence. Top of my agenda is ensuring women’s full and active participation in economic and political leadership at all levels by adopting and enacting laws that eliminate age long obstacles and barriers preventing the womenfolk from realizing their full potentials.

 Providing access to potable water for rural and urban community in my constituency by ensuring that the state builds an unrivalled capacity for water supply management.

Health is wealth and as such, improving access to decent a healthcare system for everyone, including a subsidized community health care management for pregnant women and children through the provision of the right infrastructure, is at the core of my mandate.
Will protect the environment by pushing for better environmental laws and reforms; waste management strategies, recycling plants in the constitute, which in turn will create jobs and opportunities. I am firm believer in waste to wealth.
A safe society is one in which everyone prospers and speaks without fear of retribution. I will commit to remodelling the state’s security architecture to protect the lives and property of our people.