
Vivian Dimgba rescues man, woman and children

It was a tough weekend. Uloma had called and asked me to come out for a drink so we can celebrate. I got dressed and drove out to meet her. On my way headed there, I was on the phone with Mavis discussing some strategies when I saw the accident. It was terrible. There was …

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We may brave human laws, but we cannot resist natural ones.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse nec quam vitae tellus malesuada vehicula. Mauris interdum erat non mauris commodo, eu aliquam tortor viverra. Fusce ac arcu non velit ultricies lacinia et vel libero. Aliquam vitae aliquet diam, vitae posuere felis. Donec iaculis dui sit amet purus sollicitudin, id pellentesque ex commodo. Ut nisl …

We may brave human laws, but we cannot resist natural ones. Read More »